The International Conference of Lexiculturology – promoted by the Linguistics Research Centre of NOVA University Lisbon – constitute an annual scientific forum for the presentation, development, deepening, consolidation and expansion of research, training and teaching issues related to lexiculture – the culture implicit in the lexicon – from an intra, pluri, inter and/or transdisciplinary perspective.

Although the concept of lexiculture emerged in the penultimate decade of the twentieth century, within the framework of Lexiculturology, a discipline inscribed in the field of Didactology of Languages-Cultures, it came to deserve in an extensive and intensive way, especially from the beginning of the current century, the attention, both declarative and procedural, of other domains of scientific research, namely Linguistics in general and Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology in particular, both in the corresponding single and/or conjugated disciplinary plans, or in their (inter)relationship with the field of Education in and through Languages-Cultures and their respective didactology, didactic and/or methodological approaches.